2020 has proven to be off to a rocky start with the Novel Coronavirus (Covid19) pandemic. While this virus is something the world has not experienced before, this is not the time to panic. This is the time for us to adapt, which mankind has done for centuries!
We have a great social infrastructure using TV, Telephone, Internet resources and social media like Facebook and messaging programs. I have been doing some research on how we can best adapt until the pandemic subsides and created some resources lists.
There is a lot of information and misinformation on the Internet and the media. We, at Rescue Computer, have created this resource list to provide the best information possible to survive this crisis both physically and mentally by provide ways to take our minds off things for a bit. We suggest following the guidelines advised by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), New Jersey and local governments. These are listed in the Covid-19/Coronavirus resources list.
These resources lists will be updated and an a refreshed resources article will be posted on our blog, www.rescuecomputerservice.com/blog . The email to contact us for resource(s) additions/changes is info@rescuetip.com
We at Rescue Computer Service, 732.349.0500, are here to provide you assistance the best way possible. This may be via a remote computer access or an onsite visit if necessary. We are heeding the CDC guidelines as to precautions with hand washing, hand sanitizers and social distancing of at least six feet.